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Common concerns that you may recognize

•    You've been to many practitioners and haven't found relief.  The fundamental causes have not been found.  Treating the symptoms brought relief temporarily but you are seeking complete healing. 

•    You know that something isn't' quite right and the doctor has said there is nothing wrong. 

•    You value preventative health and want to increase your well being and vitality. 

•    You want to work naturally and holistically and are willing to make adjustments in lifestyle to maximize your well being.
•    You want to catch something in its early stages and deal with the imbalances in order to maintain your fundamental health.

You've worked with other practitioners on the fundamental causes have not have been found.  You need to find the causes so real healing can be achieved.  

You want to increase the health of all your systems so that as you age you can do everything possible to enjoy a high quality of life, preventing degenerative health problems, chronic disease, and mental-emotional fatigue.

You want to deal with the underlying imbalances at an early stage so that a child can not only heal the illness but re-establish the balance that maintains health long-term.

If any of these scenarios are familiar, Lifeforce Healing can help.  Over the last 37 years Shakti has successfully supported thousands of people of all ages to heal, utilizing customized holistic programs to work through each of the layers that created the symptoms and imbalances.

The Lifeforce Healing approach works for people with these qualities and intentions:

1.       Willing to take responsibility and make adjustments to your lifestyle

2.       Value and use traditional medicines and complementary treatment to heal the underlying causes that created symptoms

3.       Interested in transformation.  Willing to see the imbalances as a way to teach you and help you grow and evolve as a person

4.       Open to exploring your deeper spirituality and discover the gifts of healing and transformation

5.       You are desperate for help because nothing you've tried has worked


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